
I am just a health minded, half marathon running, positive vibing girl cooking and eating my way through this enchanted life with a glass full of vino. Life is all about balance and happiness in my opinion, so I try not to take things so seriously all of the time. I am not perfect and neither are my recipes, so I welcome any feedback with open arms! I hope you enjoy my amateur attempt at blogging <3


Instagram: Healthaholic  –  Twitter: @healthy_ash

3 thoughts on “About

  1. this is awesome…love all your recipes that you post on instagram. im not able to actually get into your blog though..i see cover sheet with veggies, fruit, etc… and your message about blog…maybe nothing posted yet

  2. Hey Ashley! I absolutely love your blog and all that you are doing to spread the word about healthy eating! I’m not sure if Emily has told you but I am now working for Whole Foods as a health educator. During the month of March, we are going to be hosting a food bloggers event featuring food bloggers in the bay area who want to share recipies and spread the word about their blogs. I know you are living in San Diego now, but if you are home at all in March would you be interested in joining us? Also, do you follow any other local bay area food blogs that you can share with me? I really appreciate the help!

    Best Wishes,

  3. Hi!
    Soooo….I was trolling the internets for a clean Asian Inspired Salad (literally what I googled) and stumbled on to your sight. Just wanted to say not only was the salad perfecto with the shoyu sesame marinated salmon, I totes want to try every single recipe on this sight! Yay you! Yay me! Keep at it girl!

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